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soon after, slat was named a ”champion of the earth“ by the united nations for his meaningful and v________84 the most important title the un gives to people helping the ocean cleanup also won several awards(奖项)for having one of the best inventions of the d__________85 goes on for hopes that the oceans will be free of plastic in about twenty or thirty years.2019武汉中考

it was at an exhibition of the artist’s works organized by the red cross.i was invited as a special g______76 to attend the this period, two cute girls of 16 or 17 years old came to me and asked me for my signature(签名).“i haven’t brought my the p______77 okay?” actually, i knew they wouldn’t r______78.i just wanted to show a well-known writer’s good manners to the c______79 readers.“certainly,” the young girls readily a______80.i could see they were very course, their excitement also made me feel more pleased and of the girls h______81 her fine notebook to me.i turned over the cover of the notebook, wrote a few words of encouragement n________82 and signed my girl read my signature, frowned(皱眉), looked at me carefully and asked, “aren’t you robert char?”

“no,” i told her proudly, “i’m the author of alice adams, the w________83 of two pulitzer prizes.”

the young girl turned to the o________84,shrugged(耸肩)and said, “mary, lend your rubber to me.” at that moment, all my p________85 turned into a bubble(泡泡) then, i always warn myself: no matter how outstanding you are, don’t think highly of yourself.2018武汉中考

when you re very, very afraid of something, that fear can affect(影响)you and how you live your i was younger,1i saw my cousin f76 onto an ants ants attacked(攻击)him, and he was c 77 in terrible bites(咬).after that i became very scared of ants.i wouldnt eat outside, and i didnt even like to play outside.i c 78 my bed for ants every when i t 79 thirteen, i decided i couldn’t let my fear get to me.i had to learn to control my fear of ants

first i read a lot about different ants.i didn’t focus on bites, but instead i read about how helpful ants are to the p are really cool!they re hard-working, social, and help bring a81 and nutrients(营养)to the help plants grow, clean up decaying(腐烂的)m 82, and help control other insects

next i began to w 83 ants from a safe distance.i started to look at a family of ants in real time on the internet in order to learn how they by little, i felt more c 84 about y i went outside one day and let an ant move onto my hand and t 85 it was okay!now that i know about all the good things ants do, i m not so afraid of them anymore.2017武汉中考

soap is widely used in our lives around the world.once soap was a dangerous﹣to﹣make hair p___ 76 but it is something that it would be difficult to live without today.

soap is everywhere.we use it every day and c 77 it as something important in our lives.

it also has an amazing h 78,in babylon around 2800 b.c.,the e 79 known soap was made and used.ancient egyptians also made soap.at one time,soap﹣making was not s 80

thats because lye(碱液)b 81 chemical burns or even made people blind in the making process.other dangerous materials were also m 82 with animal fats and oils.later.soap became a 83 in stores and people gradually stopped making it in their homes.

originally(最初),soap was not mainly used for c 84 instead,it was used as gel(凝胶)for making hair stay in place or smell good.the arabs first made the soap that we know today.

they created colored,liquid,and hard soaps.they even had soaps which were used for shaving(刮胡子).soap became peoples f 85 in the late 1800s.advertising in europe and the us helped people understand the connection between cleanliness and good health.now.soap is something we wouldnt want to live without.


henry was a kind, good father was dead, and his mother was very had a little sister about 2 years wanted to help his mother because she could not a 76 earn

(挣)enough money to buy food for his little day a man gave him a dollar for r 77 the pocketbook which he had could have kept the pocketbook because no one saw him when he found his mother had taught him to be h 78 , and never to keep what did not belong to he gave the pocketbook back to the the dollar he bought a box, three b 79 and some shoe polish(鞋油).he then went to the c80 of the street, and said to everyone whose boots did not look n 81.“polish your boots, please?”

he was so p 82 that gentlemen soon began to notice him, and to let him polish their first day he c83 over 50 cents, which he gave to his mother to buy food he gave her the money, she cried with joy and said, “you are a d 84, good boy, henry.i didn’t know how i could earn enough to buy bread, but now i think we can m 85 to get along quite well.”

henry worked after school every earned almost enough to support his mother and his little sister.模拟精练


the bbc recently reported a rise in the use of british english in the like “cheers”, meaning “thank you”, and “mate”, meaning “friend”, are becoming one knows h 51 this has happened, although the success of british films like harry potter may have something to do with h english and american english are a little two are the s 52 in grammar but different in the way they pronounce and spell some ans pronounce words like car, better and sweater with an /er/ at the e53 while british say these words with an /e/.the british way of spelling “color” is “colour” and they write “favorite” a 54 “favourite”.english is the most spoken l 55 in the world because of the british colonies

o 56 covered 25 percent of the some parts of the us, people really like the british accent(口音).the british actor hugh grant, with his british accent, was very s 57 in accent is very popular, and americans often think british accents s 58 very elegant(优雅的).maybe this has something to do with the ’t w 59 about the difference between british and american you have exams, it is fine to use the english that you learned f 60 your differences are not so important.b

compassion(同情,怜悯)is a desire within us to help effort, we can translate compassion into experience last weekend showed me this is t 76.i work part-time in a supermarket across form a building for the old people are our main

c 77 , and its not hard to lose patience over their last sunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable untidy man walked up to my register(收款机)with a box of said he was out of cash(现金), had just m78 into his room, and had nothing in his asked if we could let him have the food on t promised to repay me the next day.i couldnt help staring at him.i w 80 what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before, and what he would be like if luck had gone his way.i had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul, all alone in the world.i told him that i was sorry, but store r_______81 didnt allow me to do so.i felt stupid and unkind saying this, but i v 82 my then, another man, s 83 behind the first, spoke anything, he looked more pitiable.”charge it to me," was all he i had been feeling was is soft and safe and sion, on the other hand, is caring in action.i t 84 the second man but told him that was not allowed i reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myself.i reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my h85 and taught me compassion.c

as i entered an international high school, all my friends felt surprised at my short is because, my old school thinks teenage y_____76 aren’t the time for looking i coloured my hair the first time, i felt free and international school s______77 to meet my needs.i had a t_____78 education background.i went to public schools, received normal education and was required to follow r______79 like every other , i began to wonder w______80 this education was truly suitable for r, in the new school my high hopes were not a while, i found myself in a surprising situation as i faced was s_____81 the biggest challenge i faced in my education-the freedom to try new the old system, i was strongly advised a______82 trying new in my new school, it worked the opposite way-we had many chances to try new if i f_____83, i must be responsible because i put myself in such y, it led me to get into trouble time went by, i started to find my o______84 fact, none of the education systems in the world are perfect.i am l______85 enough to have a chance to bring great value from both systems a result, ive built a system for myself.d

nothing is impossible to a willing heart.a short video about seven people wearing prosthetic devices(人造装置)who t________76 on a desert race challenge has become seven disabled people j______77 in the 108-kilometer desert race from may 11 to 14 in dunhuang, northwest china’s gansu of the seven had one leg amputated(截肢),and o______78 had two legs baojun, a man from luohe, central china’s henan province, the double amputee, said he never i______79 he could take part in the desert race.“it is great, i can do it, and you can also.” “it is easy to say, but walking it is h________80.” cheng the first day, they finished a complete section of 27 kilometers of the race, and on the second day, they finished 20 kilometers.“my legs were painful while i was also met with a very big sandstorm on the s_______81 it was a challenge, we could not give all encouraged each other to continue.” he getting t________82, they rested on the third day and walked on the tongyi walked the longest of the group, a distance of more than 70 leader sunnaicheng said that they had to p________83 through depulation(人烟稀少)areas of the gobi also added that team members challenged themselves and realized their d are good e________85 for everyone to learn ’s up to you how far you you don’t try, you will never know.e

smartphones and e-readers have become more common in recent people think that the days of paper books will be recent surveys have shown that traditional books are still popular a 76 ch company nielsen found that in the uk, sales of e-books are f77 while sales of paper books are surprisingly, it’s young people who are buying the most physical r survey of university students from the united states, slovakia(斯洛伐克)and japan also showed that 92 percent of t 78 preferred papere what is b79 paper book comeback?

the most popular reason given was: “ i like to hold the product.” it’s true that paper books bring a very different reading ian students said that they liked the smell of paper students said that they could get a s 80 of accomplishment(成就)when they finished reading a paper books can also be very personal objects to lovers of people like to sign their name on the i81 the cover gets bent(弯曲)or there is a stain(污点)made on the page from coffee, all the a 82 make the book even more ’s as if readers of paper books make friends with “friendship” people d 83 with books isn’t just sentimental(情感的).research has shown that readers remember more information reading from paper books t84 also more e 85 end up with headaches or sore eyes while reading e- why not pick up a book and start reading?


many people say dolphins are very seem to be able to think, understand, and learn things are they c 76 like humans or more like cats or dogs? scientists say dolphin intelligence is s77 to human intelligence in some ?

like humans, every dolphin has a “name”.it is a special whistle(哨声).s 78 think dolphins,like people,“t 79 ” to each other about a lot of things,such as their age, their feelings, or finding , like humans, dolphins use system of sounds and body language to cunderstanding their conversations is not easy for one “speaks dolphin” yet,but some scientists are trying to ns arc also social live in groups, and they often come to play games from different groups and have f81, just like fact, playing t 82 is something only intelligent animals ns and humans b 83 make plans to get something they the seas of southern brazil, dolphins use an interesting way to get fish are n84 a boat,dolphins signal(发信号)to the fishermen to put their nets in the the men can catch a lot of is the advantage for the dolphins? why do they h 85 the men? the dolphins can get some of the fish.g

last week john visited england.he stayed with my said it was a strange visit.“i don’t understand, but i frightened your grandmother a lot.when i a76 , i gave her a

p77 from looked in it and asked me to take it back.then i saw a red spider on the table so i killed it for her and she s 77 very english people like spiders?

“later we went e was painting a shop front, so there was a other stopped me from walking under it and said i must walk a 78 it.i liked the shops and bought a smart umbrella for my father and some new shoes for we got back, i put the shoes on the table and open the umbrella to s79 if it was all grandmother came in and cried out!”

“then i broke a small mirror in the b80 , when i washed my grandmother’s face went w 81.i felt very i left i gave your grandmother some

c82 and there were didn’t like it.i think she was happy i was going.”

i explained to john, “my grandmother f83 the old must not give someone an e 84 purse or they will have no must not kill a ‘money spider’ or the same will it is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the open umbrella in a house means someone will die.b85 a mirror brings seven years’ bad luck, and 13 is also a very unlucky were really making my grandmother very afraid of you.”


more and more families like to keep dogs as not all dog owners think of o 76 while they are walking their many towns and cities around the world f77 a mess of left behind feces(粪便)from february of this year, a town in france started a new p78 to teach dog owners a government sent about 20 volunteers to search the streets carefully, l 79 for humans who wouldn’t clean up after their volunteers who seemed to have no c____ __80 aim would then move nearer to the pet owner, then start a c________81 to get the dog’s name.“with the name of the dog and its type, we can e82 discover the owner from the registered database(信息库)held in the town hall” an officer e volunteers would then pick up the dog feces and the package would be p84 to the pet owner’s the past few m 85, the town has seen a 70% decrease(减少)in the amount of dog feces left on public streets.i

a new camera made by a french company can recognize(辨别出) can tell parents at work that their children have r________76 from school, or that the mail has been s_______77 to their can also tell them if a stranger has entered their family m_______78enter a home, the smart camera “recognizes” them and sends i_______79 to the owner’s owner can c________80 to see the video then or if an unknown person enters a home, the camera will send a warning s_______81 on the owner’s is what happened recently to a smart home camera owner named lives in paris.“on a friday i was at work, h_______82 a big monthly meeting when my phone first i told myself ‘oh, it must be a w________83 warn,’ but my phone was telling me there was a face that the camera did not ing was happening in my house!”

“i saw a person i did not know with his shoes on, which is not allowed in my apartment.i watched it on the video.i felt quite surprised.i h_______84 back home as fast as possible and called the police on the to the smart camera, the criminal was c________85 soon,” said damien.



robot vogel is a p officer in new morning, he was drinking coffee in a ly a man ran in and shouted, “officer!a car is going down the officer vogel ran out of the restaurant and saw a car going at about 25 miles an jumped he was behind it, he turned on his red light and siren(警笛of the road and r vogel got out of his police car and looked driver was a littleseat was his littlechildren were crying.”i want my mommy!“ rocco cried.”but she can't get here, i have the car.“ then he had an idea ”just a minute,“ he told officer vogel.”i can drive.i will go to get her.“ ”no!“ officer vogel said.“you stay with me.”

officer vogel drove rocco and his sister to the police he called theirfrom thehis father was at work and his mother was rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his reporter asked rocco, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” rocco smiled “i want to be a truck driver,” he said.b

one day a man put an ad in most of the newspapers in said that he himself was a young man of ’d like toa girl to be his wife, and the girl must be like the one in books wby somerest ad was at once k by thousands of parents and young s went to shops to look for the books written by bought those books for their daughters as tried to get those books to wanted to know what kind of girl the rich and wise young man long all the books written by maugham were sout and the writer was known all over the was the rich man? it was somerest maugham who put an ad in the newspapers!the ad s, too!


up my first job as a students in my class were about sixteen or seventeen years old, only several years than fact, some of them looked older and seemed more like some of them even didn’t listen to me c___3__ in classroom was on the second floor and it was directly above the day, i was writing on the blackboard w____4____ i heard a sudden change in the noise behind was a man standing in the room with half an apple in his lookeda____5____

“who threw this?”he shouted, looking around the class.“i beg your pardon?”i said.“s___6_____ threw this apple out of the window.” he said,“it landed on my car.”

“who threw an apple out of the window?”i shouted to the was no a_____7___.“i want the one who threw this.” said the man, “i will be waiting outside for you.”and then he left, slamming(摔)the was silence and i went on w____8____the the end of every lesson, as the bell rang, usually the class were all gone before it finished r___9___, leaving me saying “that's all for today, ”to an empty time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one m___10____.“that's all for today,”i said, “you go first, sir.”said one of the made a nice change, being first out.d

life is not you should learn to enjoy your to stay and are some ways to help you live your life more down all the good can make you as for the bad thinking of not try to with might have a bigger house or a more in your life may be very busy,you don’t have to do what o7ask you to do each er to tell your family and friends that you love can go hiking in the mountains to can make you can also go to the beach to enjoy beach new ’s always s__10___ new to a book or learn on a computer, they can open your mind to the a helping hand to is also helpful for yourselves and make them happier, and you will be the happiest of all.e

everybody has one of those days when everything goes is what h__1__ to morning, he got up very late because his clock t__2__ to shave(刮脸)quickly and cut he got dressed, he got blood all over his shirt,so he had to find a__3_ only other shirt that was clean n_4__ ironing(熨).while he was ironing it, there was a knock at the was the man to collect money for he paid the water b_5__ and showed the man out, he found the iron had burnt a hole in his he had to wear the one with the blood on it after this time it was very late, so he t_6__ he couldn’t go to work by c_7__ for a taxi to take him to another part of the town, a man had killed a woman with a knife and was s_8__ to run away in a harry’s taxi stopped outside his office, a policeman happened to be s_9__ saw the blood on harry’s shirt, and took him to the police was k__10_ till 3 o’clock the police found out that he was not the man they he finally arrived at the office at about 4 p.m., his boss took a look at him and told him to find another






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(13普陀)it was quite difficult, and i had to study very hard.l 88 , i got a good mark in the exam in the end.(13浦东一模)h __90__ , ross anderson, a computer security engineer at the university of cambridge, thinks the i_ _91__ could put microsoft in big trouble.(13浦东二模)it’s not easy for us to forgive(原谅)someone who has ever hurt you or made you disappointed.h 86 , several new studies say that it could be good for your health.(11上海)b____96____, you need to make up a story.(13长宁)a___87___ he had not seen it for more than 20 years, he recognized it immediately.(13奉贤)a____89____ the internet has made our world better in many ways, in some ways it can be a bad .具特征much/even______ … than… 加形容词比较级

(13奉贤)the internet makes it much e____86____ for people to search for information.(13松江)“goods online are often much c _ also saves me a lot of time.(13杨浦)some pop groups find that m 86 people listen to their songs on their mobile phones than they do on many people have mobile phones that sometimes you don’t know when your phone rings.(13杨浦二模)when there is only one parent, of course the responsibilities of looking after the children are much h____89____ for him or .具特征w______ doing i______ of doing(13崇明)you will be able to review your teacher’s lecture w___92___ even getting online again.(崇明二模)one family in the uk went “back in time” to see what life was like w 96 having all the modern .具特征w______ a or b e______ a or b(中考模拟)in this way, they could find out w_______ the stranger was a friend or an enemy.(13闸北二模)in all, 50% of wayview students get to school in a vehicle, e 88 the bus or a car.v.关注转折词 in fact, but, however 一般前后意思相反

(崇明二模)“life is speeding ne is becoming unwell.” this may sound like something someone would say t in fact, an unknown person who lived in rome in ad 53 wrote .具颠覆整句句意的词:h____, s_____, r_____(中考模拟)80% british people who take part in the survey feel that their neighbours h_____ pay attention to others’ feelings.(12徐汇)“i don’t see what’s so interesting about these streets are too narrow---i could h___91___ drive my car down them.(12静安)at home, girls learned washing, cooking, dancing, and the basics of taking care of a children s 91 attended school.(13虹口二模)i like driving, just out of ’s lucky that i s________ drive without a i can earn three or four thousand yuan a month .具修饰整句子的副词: r_____, e_____(中考模拟)but have all these developments r 93 improved the quality of our lives?(12浦东)nobody knows e 88 how many hutongs there are in nowadays beijing.2.注意平行结构

a and b 特点 1词性相同 ii意思相近or 相反

变式:逗号, or, but, better than, rather than, from a to b(13普陀)i got on the plane with ten other took off from the runway and c 90 higher and higher.(13奉贤)but remember to use the internet p____92____ and wisely.(13崇明)in an online classroom your teacher’s lecture is written rather than s___88_____.(12上海)cycling with a large guided group is better than r____92 ____ alone.(12 黄浦)later, i knew an exam was a kind of competitions, there are always w 90 and losers.(13浦东一模)microsoft is developing a new software that could accurately guess your name, your age, your s 87 and possibly even your location.(11杨浦)“don’t throw out your o 93 running are better than modern ones,” the study suggests.(13浦东二模)they also have fewer headaches, l 90 blood pressure(血压), and fewer problems on sleeping.(12宝山)it has one hundred and three levels and six thousand five hundred rs can ride in one of seventy-three elevators that take them from the b__87__ to very near the top of the of these elevators are very fast, reaching the eightieth floor in only forty-five seconds.3.合理判断词性(动词注意时态,名词注意单复数)★名词

(12浦东)but if we connected all the hutongs together, their total l 89 would even be longerthan the famous great wall, which is about 4,000 miles.(13静安二模)you can even look on the internet at sites such as you can have an e 92 of things you have for something else that you would like to have.★形容词

(13普陀)my parents visited space last year, but i was too y 86 to go with them.i admit that for a few seconds i felt a little n 91 when i sat in the space shuttle.(12静安)in the renaissance period(文艺复兴时期)(1500-1650), people became interested in higher wanted to learn the a 86 languages such as greek and latin – languages that were used in the old times, and study mathematics, science, and so universities were set up during the 16th century.(11静安)don’t feel ’s not your fault(过错)!being bullied can make you feel very l 93___ and angry, but you are not alone.(13闵行二模)in the northeast and middle west, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other in these states have more heart trouble because of the c____86____ weather in february or march.(13闵行二模)low air pressure(压力)may make people leave more bags on buses and in shops on low air pressure days.(12徐汇)“it’s really s___87___---we’re in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world, but in these hutongs it feels as if we are in a village in the countryside.★动词原形or一.过

(13松江一模)“middle school students should pay more attention to their ing for things w 92 their time.”

(13闸北一模)many online stores o 87 abig discount(打折)and free delivery service.(13浦东二模)on the other hand, studies p 87 that something like anger can change you(12静安二模)university education was a privilege(特权)of the were not allowed to attend and poor people could not a 87 to go.★动词过去分词(被动语态)特征:be动词+v(p.p)+(by)(13松江二模)beyond supermarkets, barcodes are n 89 everywhere: for renting cars, for luggage checks on a plane, for parcels you send;(13闵行二模)are you feeling sad, tired, unhappy or hard to remember things today? if you have one of the above feelings, it may be c____92____ by weather because weather influences people’s health, intelligence and feelings.(12黄浦二模)in africa, when an antelope(羚羊)wakes up every morning, the first thing it thinks about is, “i must be able to run faster than the fastest lion, or i will be k 86.”(12静安二模)he might study at different universities and since(既然)the teaching was all d 88 inlatin, it didn’t matter(v.= be important)which country he studied in.(13长宁二模)in many countries, oral storytelling is still important, but in most countries now, stories are written down and p 88 in books.★副词

(13长宁)the package consisted of a long, narrow box, c___86___wrapped(包装)in brown paper.(13闸北)young students are e 91 attracted by advertisements on the internet and buy things they don’t need.★疑问词

(13闸北)“i like eating duck neck very much and i often buy it on taobao from shops in ’s much more delicious than w 90 our local stores sell.”

(13杨浦)now you can have a different sound for every person you address book is used to find out w 91 is calling.(12松江)now speaking the foreign language is w 87 most people want.4.注意固定搭配

pay a_____ to 关注 f_______ on an interesting person 关注一个有趣的人

a_____ wine to the recipe 把红酒加入菜谱

by h______用手写 be on s_____ 大甩卖 to my s_______ 让我吃惊的是

be so d_____ from 与…如此不同 be the s______ as 与…相同

it o us good opportunities to meet people from other countries, learn about their c_____ and c_______.它给我们提供和其他国家人见面,学习他们的文化和习俗的好机会

in p_____ 在公众场合 financially i________ 经济独立

have no i______ in following fashion 对追逐时尚不感兴趣—> show great i_____ in…

be l_____ / c_____ to … 连接到。。b____,= in a_____, 除此之外 b_____ a and b 在两者之间 l______ traffic 交通通畅

be n_____ about 对。。紧张 he feels so f______ 感到如此惊恐

be p_____ with 对。。耐心 be c_____ with 对。。小心(13杨浦)

make their teachers feel w_______ 使他们的老师感到担忧

think about c_____ for help 想到求助他人

be more l______ to do 更有可能做 keep his p______ 信守诺言

a_____ the world= t_______ the world 整个世界

share many life e_________ 分享很多生活经历

get into the h______ 养成习惯 are f______ with 你所熟悉的。。

do r______ on the internet 在网上做调查 be f______ for 以… 而著名

be f_____ of =be k_____ on喜爱 be a_____ with sb.对… 生气 be m____ up of 由…组成

be l_____ in/on 坐落于… be p____/s______ with 对…满意

have a s _ of public manners 有公共道德的意识 do something in e_______ 做些事作为交换

to my s_______ 让我感到惊奇的是

travel for s_______ 观光旅行

search for the a_____/k______ to the mysteries of space 寻找太空秘密的答案

标签:2023年 中考 短文 填词 专项 训练 技巧 4篇
