





分类: 新概念英语第2册辅导



no matter how 不管怎样

wave to=signal to 打招呼, 招手

just in time 刚好,不迟不早=only just

insist on 坚持

prevent…form 避免

follow around 跟着转

there(be)plenty 有不少……


avoid meeting him 避开他

come running 跑过来

it was no use pretending 假装没有用

enjoy meeting him 喜欢见他

insist on coming 坚持要来

(be)busy doing… 忙着干

(would you)mind opening 你是否介意打开……(请你打开……)finish speaking 讲完了

fancy meeting 真想不到见着……

it’s not worth worrying 不值得担心

i can’t stand shouting 不能容忍大叫大嚷 smell(something)burning 闻到什么烧焦味

go dancing(swimming,shopping)去跳舞(游泳, 购物)forgive(somebody)for being rude 原谅别人卤莽

三、come和现在分词连用表示“来”的方式:come十ing wind came blowing 风吹来

letters of thanks came pouring in 感谢信不断涌来 she came hurrying in 她匆忙赶回来


§ lesson 3 please send me a card 请给我寄张明信片

【new words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★send v.寄, 送 寄信 : send a letter 用法 : send sth to sb/send sb sth 类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell...send/take children to school 区别 : take : 强调某人亲自送;take flowers to his wife 自己送

send则是通过第三人去送, 如美国的校车 send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送 postcard n.明信片 [注意]/t/和/k/前者失去爆破音 send him a card 简写为card, 由此引申出 : namecard/visiting card : 名片

here is my namecard.(口语常用, 同时伴随着递出的动作)id card:身份证;id : 身分, 身份(identification, identity)credit card:信用卡

cash card 现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡(不能透支的那种)

★spoil(spoiled or spoilt)v.使索然无味, 损坏(重点词)几种破坏 :

break: 打破;break the windows 打破玻璃 damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁

以上三个是指物理上的破坏, 而spoil主要指精神上

spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好;生活中不顺心的事;宠坏, 溺爱

1、宠坏 his parents spoiled the boy.2、 spoiled my you said spoiled arrival spoiled my hoilday.★museum n.博物馆 palace museum:故宫

★public adj.公共的

这个词我们在第一课见过了, 基本用法和private一起记.下面再说两点 : public house简称pub : 酒吧;public place 公共场所

in public:公开的;in private:私下里的(介词短语在英语中往往充当状语)let’s have a conversation in private.让我们私下谈谈? why not have a conversation in public? 为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)

★friendly adj.友好的

以-ly结尾是形容词, 同样的还有lovely ly单独用, 形容词, 一般做定语来用

作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好, 用短语in a friendly way

waiter n.服务员, 招待员

waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员), 只出现在餐馆里 领班 : chief waiter 商店里的店员 : shop assistant 其他公共场所的服务员:attendant

★lend v.借给 lend to / lend sb/ lend .借进 : borrow: borrow from;但borrow不能用 borrow sb sth.★decision n.决定 make a big/great dicision(重大/伟大, 更重大)

★whole adj.整个的

all the...: all the day(the可省略)the whole..: the whole of后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修饰词 一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the all of us;all of the students

★single adj.唯一的, 单一的 反义词 : double 双倍的


lesson 3 please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片

first listen and then answer the question.听录音, many cards did the writer send?

postcards always spoil my summer, i went to italy.i visited museums and sat in public gardens.a friendly waiter taught me a few words of he lent me a book.i read a few lines, but i did not understand a ay i thought about holidays passed quickly, but i did not send cards to my the last day i made a big decision.i got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.i spent the whole day in my room, but i did not write a single card!参考译文

明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁.去年夏天, 我去了意大利.我参观了博物馆, 还去了公园.一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语, 之后还借给我一本书.我读了几行, 但一个字也不懂.我每天都想着明信片的事.假期过得真快, 可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片.到了最后一天, 我作出了一项重大决定.我早早起了床, 买来了37张明信片.我在房间里关了整整一天.然而竟连一张明信片也没写成!


the baby spoilded my n[]于italy[] : 注意读音不同 and 先后往往是对等的概念, but也是如此 teach teaches our english.(错)he teacher us english.(对)语言不可数, 所以要用a little italian或a few words of italian i can speak a little english/a few words of english think about/of 考虑, 思考, think of还可指想到 think over:仔细考虑

last summer里的last表示 “上一个”

last:表示 “上一个” 或 “最后一个” , 表示 “最后一个” 时要加冠词the 具体到一天及一天的早中晚都要用on i spend the whole day in my +时间+地点 : 在什么地点我花费/度过了多少时间 i spend three hours in the sea.i spend my weekend at my mother's.i spend three hours in the classroom everyday.i spend a lot of time in traffic jam.(交通堵塞)review回顾 : spoil send/lend/teach /lend/teach sb

【special difficulties】 难点

双宾语 : 直接宾语(表示动作结果)和间接宾语(动作目标)give ./give sth to sb sb: 间接宾语 sth: 直接宾语

间接宾语在后面时, 其前必须加to(对……而言)或for(为……而做)give a book to me.i buy a book for you take flowers to my soup for you.可以翻译为 “给”、“替”、“为” 的, 就用for;如果只能翻译为 “给” 的, 就用to 与for相连的buy,order,make,find find sb.a favor 帮某人一个忙

do me a favor please./do a favor for me.帮我一个忙

exercise paid some money to the writer brought the man a bottle of beer.在日常生活中, 碰到熟人 : can i buy you a bottle of beer ? do you think of? what do you think of the weather today? 你觉得天气怎么样? cold,chilly,freeze, i'll freeze.我要冻僵了 what do you think of tv program last night?

send somebody something send something to somebody give, take, pass, read, sell, buy find something for somebody make buy

do a favor for i order something for you?

【multiple choice questions】多项选择题 ______ him a few words of italian? the taught did teach did he teach did he teach 找特殊疑问词的时候一定要根据答案来决定 who whom 人做主语提问——who

对宾语提问——whom 如果对主语提问, 则句子的的语序和陈述句语序一样

如果对非主语来提问, 则句子要使用特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的语序

a 正确

who既可以对主语提问也可以对宾语提问, 而whom只能对宾语提问 who/whom did the waiter teach a few words of italian? he was a friendly spoke to the writer friends friends a friendly way he spoke to the writer like a ...way :以...方式 d正确

friendly单独用, 形容词, 一般做定语来用

作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好, 用短语in a friendly way he spent the whole day in his was in his room ______ hole all of whole all the day;all of us c正确

all of 后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修修饰词 一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the all of the friends all of my friends all of the students on the last day he made a big was the ______ day of his the last day, final——形容词

end——名词/动词 bottom——名词

形容词修饰 day latest:最新的 latest news

latest style 新款 he made a big t about it up his d his mind a wish think about:考虑、思考、想 make up one's mind:下定决心 change one's mind:改变主意

make a wish : 许个心愿, 愿望, 许愿 b正确

【key structures】 关键句型 exercise b my friend, roy, ______(die)last ______(leave)me his cd player and his collection of ______(spend)a lot of money on ______(buy)one or two new cds every never ______(go)to the cinema or to the ______(stay)at home every evening and ______(listen)to often ______(lend)cds to his mes they ______(keep) ______(lose)many cds in this 有具体的过去时间一定是具体的过去式 一般现在时

bought kept lent...


lesson 72

a car called bluebird


first listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。

what mistake was made?

the great racing driver, sir malcolm campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per set up a new world record in september 1935 at bonneville salt flats, rd, the car he was driving, had been specially built for was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower gh campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first his attempt, campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per r, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been average speed had been 301 miles per that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an ing in his father's footsteps many years later, sir malcolm's son, donald, also set up a world his father, he was driving a car called words and expressions 生词和短语







杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。它的车身长30英尺,有一个2,500 马力的发动机。尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。比赛结束后,坎贝尔非常失望地得知他的平均时速是299英里。然而,几天之后,有人告诉他说弄错了。他的平均时速实际是301英里。从那时以来,赛车选手已达到每小时600英里的速度。很多年之后,马尔科姆爵士的儿子唐纳德踏着父亲的足迹,也创造了一项世界纪录。同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。



第一课时:lesson1&lesson2 知识点1.基本语法时态

知识点2.三大句型转换(陈述句、感叹句、疑问句)第二课时:lesson3&lesson4 知识点1.一般过去式 知识点2.现在完成时

知识点3.动词规则变化及动词不规则变化表 第三课时:lesson5&lesson6 知识点1.一般过去时与现在完成时的差异 知识点2.冠词与限定词 第四课时:lesson7&lesson8 知识点1.过去进行时与连词(when,while)知识点2.形容词与副词的比较级和最高级 第五课时:lesson9&lesson10 知识点1.表示时间的介词 知识点2.被动语态

第六课时:lesson1-10综合复习1 注意点1.综合复习1-10出现的语法知识点 注意点2.通过测试卷进行综合测试,查漏补缺 第七课时:lesson11&lesson12 知识点1.复习前6课的语法,知识点2.学习一般将来时 第八课时:lesson13&lesson14 知识点1.将来进行时 知识点2.过去完成时

第九课时:lesson15&lesson16 知识点1.间接引语 知识点2.条件从句

第十课时:lesson17&lesson18 知识点1.情态动词 must 知识点2.助动词/动词have 第十一课时:lesson19&lesson20 知识点1.情态动词can may 知识点2.动名词解析

第十二课时:lesson11-20综合复习注意点1.综合复习11-20出现的语法知识点 注意点2.通过测试卷进行综合测试,查漏补缺 第十三课时:lesson21&lesson22 知识点1.各种时态的被动语态 知识点2.常见动词搭配的介词 第十四课时:lesson23&lesson24 知识点: 复习前二十二的语法及难点部分 第十五课时:lesson25&lesson26 知识点1.并列句 知识点2.常见连词

第十六课时:lesson27&lesson28 知识点1.一般过去时 知识点2.现在完成时精讲 知识点3.从句中的关系代词 第十七课时:lesson29&30 知识点1.对比一般过去时和现在完成时 知识点2.定冠词与各种限定词 第十八课时:lesson31&lesson32 知识点1 掌握 “used to do” 及 “use”的短语;知识点 2比较状语从句总结 第十九课时:lesson33&lesson34 知识点1 复习一般过去时;

知识点2 复习before引导的时间状语从句。第二十课时:lesson35&lesson36 知识点1.总结结果状语从句 知识点2.一般将来时总结 第二十一课时:lesson37&38 知识点1.虚拟语气之一 知识点2.将来完成时 第二十二课时:lesson37&38


lesson 18 he often does this!他经常干这种事!

after i had had lunch at a village pub, i looked for my bag.i had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!as i was looking for it, the landlord came in.'did you have a good meal?‟ he asked.'yes, thank you,' i answered, 'but i can't pay the bill.i haven't got my bag.'

the landlord smiled and immediately went a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.'i'm very sorry,' he said.'my dog had taken it into the often does this!' new words and expressions 生词和短语

pub n.小酒店 landlord n.店主 bill n.帐单 参考译文





“实在抱歉,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事!” often does this!他经常干这种事!

he 在这里指代的是狗。动物通常用it来代表,即被看成像东西一样。但是,指宠物、家畜或民间故事中的动物时,我们经常也用he, she, who等,即使得它们“人格化”并具有性别。用阴性代词指某个动物或东西时尤其有一种亲切的含义:

e.g.我有一只小猫。她每天早上喝牛奶。i have a little drinks milk every morning.乔治的鹦鹉亨利能说几个单词。只要有灯光他就叫。george‟s parrot ['pærət], henry, can speak a few always calls when there are i had had lunch at a village pub, i looked for my bag.我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。


过去完成时态常同表示时间状语的从属连词after 一同使用,如:

e.g.他把信全写完后干了些家务活。after he‟d written all her letters, she did some housework.假如从句中先于主句谓语动词动作发生的那个动词动作很短暂,常可用一般过去时来代替过去完成时态,如:e.g.他把猫放出去后,它就跑开钻进了灌木丛。

after she put the cat out, it ran off into the bushes.但是,当两个分句为同一主语时,更早发生的那个动作通常用过去完成时态来表示。如: e.g.他送走她后就锁上门,睡觉去了。(see 1.为„送行;送别2.(bre)赶走,驱逐(某人))after he had seen her off, he locked the door and went to bed.2)have在have lunch这个词组中是完全动词而不是助动词,因此,像其他完全动词一样,它的过去完成时要加助动词had.3)pub [pʌb] n.(also formal public house)(both bre)a building where people go to drink and meet their serve alcoholic [ˌælkəˈhɔlik] and other drinks, and often also food.酒吧;酒馆(在英国英语的口语中较常见)e.g.咱们去酒吧喝杯酒吧。let‟s go to the pub for a drink.他们下酒馆喝酒去了。they‟ve gone down the pub for a drink.去酒吧喝酒 go round to the pub for a drink 1 酒馆供的午餐 a pub lunch 当地酒馆的老板 the landlord of the local pub bar

n.a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks酒吧

wine bar n.a bar or small restaurant where wine is the main drink available(主要供应葡萄酒的)酒吧;小酒馆

inn n.1.(old-fashioned bre)a pub, usually in the country and often one where people can stay the night(通常指乡村的,常可夜宿的)小酒店

2.(ame)a small hotel, usually in the country(通常指乡村的)小旅馆;客栈

e.g.住客栈 stay at an inn 4)look for(sb./sth)to try to findsb./sth.寻找;寻求 look for强调“寻找”这个动作或过程,而不涉及结果。


i looked for my key everywhere, but i couldn‟t find it.我正在找我的包。i am looking for my bag.找工作 to look for a job find v.~sth(for sb.)/~(sb.) get back sth./ was lost after searching for it/them找到;找回(强调结果,不能用于进行时态)e.g.你能帮我找我的包吗?can you find my bag for me?/can you find me my bag? find discover sb./ctedly or by chance(意外或偶然地)发现,碰到


we‟ve found a great new restaurant near the office.他醒来后发现自己在医院里。when he woke up, he found himself in out(about sth./sb.)/find out sth.(about sth./sb.)to get some information about sth./ asking, reading, etc.查明,弄清(情况)强调经过研究努力之后发现、找出、搜出结果。e.g.我还没有发现有关他的什么情况。i haven‟t found anything out about him yet.你能查清楚会议什么时候开始吗?can you find out what time the meeting starts? 后来我们才弄清楚我们是校友。we found out later that we had been at the same school.3.i had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!

1)leave [li:v] v., n.v.(left, left).& go away from a person or a place离开(某人或某处)e.g.离开某地 to leave some place 离开去某地 to leave for some place [v] 飞机于12:00起飞前往北京。the plane leaves for beijing at 12:00.[vn] 飞机于8:00在希思罗机场起飞。the plane leaves heathrow at 8: make or allow sb./ remain in a particular condition, place, etc.使保留,让„处于(某种状态、某地等)e.g.[vn-adj.] 请把门开着吧。leave the door open, please.[vn-ing] 别让她在外边雨里等着。don‟t leave her waiting outside in the rain.[vn to inf] 把米饭煮20分钟。leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes.让他们保持原样。leave them as they .~sth./sb.(behind)to go away from a place without taking sb./ you忘了带;丢下: e.g.我把包丢在公共汽车上了。i‟ve left my bag on the bus.别忘了带上自己的随身物品。don‟t leave any of your belongings behind.他身体不适,因此我们只好把他留下。he wasn‟t well, so we had to leave him behind.4. not do deal with ately不立刻做;不马上处理: e.g.你怎么什么事都留到最后一刻才处理?

why do you always leave everything until the last moment? 5.(be left) remain to be used, sold, etc.留下备用(或销售等)e.g.还有咖啡剩下吗?is there any coffee left? make or remain as a result使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果): e.g.她给我的印象是她不满意自己的工作

she left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her : leave go(of sth.)(bre, informal)to stop holding on to sth.松手;撒手;放开: e.g.放开我的手臂-你把我弄痛了。leave go of my arm-you‟re hurting me!对比:let sb./ / let go(of sb./sth.)放开;松手 ide to not consider sth.不予考虑;搁置一边 e.g.且不说费用多少,我们真的还需要一辆汽车吗?

leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car? 对比:set ide 1.把„放到一旁(或搁到一边)2.暂时不考虑(或放一放) sb./(sth.)to not include sb./ a list, etc.不把„列入;不包括;不含: e.g.我们未把他列入名单。we left him off the left over(from sth.)to remain when all that is needed has been used剩下;残留: e.g.饭菜剩下了不少。there was lots of food left over.n.[u]

1.a period of time when you are allowed to be away from work for a holiday/vacation or for a special reason假期;休假:

e.g.带薪/不带薪休假一个月 to take a month‟s paid/unpaid leave on leave休假中

to be on maternity/study leave 休产假;脱产进修(maternity [məˈtɜ:nɪti:] n.[u] 母亲身份;怀孕)你们的年假有多长?how much annual [ˈænjuəl] leave do you get? 2.~(to do sth.)(formal)official permission to do sth.准许;许可: e.g.未经许可擅离职守 to be absent without leave 2)beside [bi'said] to or at the side of sb./sth.在旁边(或附近):

e.g.整个晚上他都坐在她的身边。he sat beside her all night.过来坐在我们旁边吧。come and sit beside us.门旁边有一把椅子。there is a chair beside the ed with sb./sth.与„相比:

e.g.同你的相比,我的画显得很幼稚。my painting looks childish beside yours.(childish ['tʃaɪldɪʃ] adj.1.孩子的;孩子气的;稚嫩的 2.(成人)幼稚的;天真的)idm: beside yourself(with sth.)unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling(情绪上)失去自制力;失常:


he was beside himself with rage when i told him what i had done.(rage [reidʒ] n.[u, c] 暴怒;狂怒)besides [bi'saidz] prep., addition to sb./sth.;apart from sb./sth.除„之外(还):

e.g.除了音乐,我们还有很多共通点。we have lots of things in common besides music.(have common(with sb.)(人)(想法、兴趣等方面)相同

have common(with sth.)(东西、地方等)有相同的特征(或特点等))


besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels ['nɔvl](n.(长篇)小说)in his spare time.除了我的父母,我没有其他亲人。i‟ve got no family besides my parents.除了我们以外,晚会上还有许多(其他)人。there were a lot of people at the party besides for making an extra comment that adds to what you have just said 而且;再说:

e.g.我并不真的想去。而且现在太晚了。i don‟t really want to s, it‟s too late now.我今天很忙,而且我还感冒得厉害。i‟m quite busy s, i‟ve got a bad addition;also此外;以及;也:

e.g.此外,她还有许多其他事要做。she has so much else to do s / apart from / except besides 作介词表示除„之外(还)e.g.除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?what other sports do you like besides football? 指仅有某事物不包括在内用except: e.g.除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。i like all sports except football.上述两种含义均可用apart from: e.g.除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?what other sports do you like apart from football? 除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。i like all sports apart from , except for与apart from 三者都表示“除„以外”,有时可以互相代替使用: e.g.每个人都帮了点忙,只有你没有。

everyone has helped in some way apart from/except for/except you.除了这些书以外我再没有其他书了。i have no other books except/except for these.但是except不用于句首,except for/apart from则可以:

e.g.除了你,每个人都帮了点忙。apart from/except for you, everyone has helped in some i was looking for it, the landlord came in.当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。landlord ['lændlɔ:d] n.1.a man from whom you rent a room, a house, etc.房东;地主

2.(bre)a man who owns or manages a pub or a guest house(酒吧或招待所的)店主;老板(guest house n.1.(bre)a small hotel小旅馆 2.(ame)(大房子旁供客人居住的)客房)landlady ['lændleɪdi] n.(pl.--ies)1.a woman from whom you rent a room, a house, etc.女房东;女地主

2.(bre)a woman who owns or manages a pub or a guest house(酒吧或招待所的)女店主;老板娘


1)n.+ n.构成复合名词

((蚕)丝)+ worm(蠕虫,虫子)构成复合名词 silkworm(蚕)

blood + test 构成复合名词 blood-test(验血)2)adj.+ n.构成复合名词

-dealer n.(informal)a dishonest person who deceives other people两面派;口是心非者(dealer n.1.~(in sth.)交易商;贸易商 2.贩毒者;毒品贩子)shorthand

n.1.[u] 速记(法)2.[u, c] ~(for sth.)(对某事)简略的表达方式 3)v.+ n.构成复合名词 cket 扒手;小偷

breakwater a wall built out into the sea to protect the shore or harbour from the force of the waves防波堤

4)n.+ 现在分词(v-ing)构成复合名词

iting n.[u] 1.手写;书写 2.笔迹;书法


[bɑ:θɪŋ] 日光浴

5)v.+ adv.构成复合名词

-together n.(informal)an informal meeting;a party(非正式的)会议;聚会;联欢会 e.g.家庭圣诞聚会 a family get-together at christmas

breakthrough n.重大进展;突破 e.g.作出/取得突破性进展 to make/achieve a breakthrough 6)adv.+ v.构成复合名词

ll 衰落;衰败;垮台

outbreak(暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生 e.g.战争的爆发 the outbreak of war lord [lɔ:d] n.(in britain)贵族;勋爵(统称);(usually the lord)主;上帝 drunk as a lord酩酊大醉

idm:(good)lord!oh lord!(表示惊讶、讨厌或忧虑)主啊,天哪!

duke [dju:k] 公爵 marquis [ˈmɑ:kwɪs] 侯爵 earl [ɜ:l] 伯爵 viscount [ˈvaɪˌkaʊnt]子爵 baron [ˈbærən] 男爵sir统称爵士

sir n.(a title used before the first name of a knight or baronet 用于男爵或从男爵名字之前的尊称)爵士(baronet ['bærənit] n.从男爵)(knight n.(近代英国的)爵士)


sir james wilson 詹姆斯爵士

sir james(不能称sir wilson)5.'did you have a good meal?’ he asked.您吃得好吗?”他问。

6.'yes, thank you,' i answered, 'but i can't pay the bill.i haven't got my bag.'“很好,谢谢。”我回答,“但我付不了帐,我的提包没有了。” bill [bil] n., v.n.1.a piece of paper that shows how much you owe [əu] goods or services账单 e.g.电话费/电费/煤气费账单 the telephone/electricity/gas bill 她总是按时支付账单。she always pays her bills on the bill付账单

2.()(ame usually check)a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant(餐馆的)账单: e.g.买单!bill, please!

我们结账吧。let‟s ask for the bill.3.(ame)=note 纸币: e.g.一张十美元的钞票 a ten-dollar bill 4.a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country‟s parliament so that its members can discuss it(提交议会讨论的)议案,法案: e.g.提出/通过/否决一项议案 to introduce/approve/reject a bill(introduce v.将(法案)提交讨论

approve v.1.[v] ~(of sb./sth.)赞成;同意 2.[vn] 批准,通过(计划、提案、要求等)reject v.拒绝接受;不予考虑)教育改革法案 the education reform bill

5.a programme of entertainment at a theatre, etc.(剧院等的)节目单: the bill / top the bill 领衔主演,挂头牌

领衔演出的是汤姆.汉克斯。topping the bill(=the most important performer)is tom hanks.5(top v.1.居„之首;为„之冠 2.高于,超过(某一数量))6.a notice in a public place to advertise [ˈædvətaiz] an event 海报;招贴;广告synonym: poster e.g.电影海报 a movie bill

禁止张贴!no bills!idm: fill/fit the bill to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose符合要求;合格:(fill v.1.~(sth)(with sth)(使)充满,装满,注满,填满 .满足

fit v.1.(形状和尺寸)适合;合身.安置,安装 3.(使)与„一致,和„相称,符合)e.g.从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。on paper, several of the applicants fit the bill.(applicant [ˈæplikənt] n.~(for sth.)申请人(尤指求职、进高等学校等)).~sb.(for sth.)to send sb.a bill for sth.开账单,发账单(要求付款): e.g.请将所购的书开列账单。please bill me for the books..[usually passive]~sb./ advertise or describe sb./ a particular way把(某人或事物)宣传为„

e.g.他被宣传为新汤姆.克鲁斯。he was billed as the new tom cruise.3.[vn to inf] [usually passive] to advertise that sb./ do sth.宣布„将做某事: e.g.海报上说她要发表题为“中国----昨天和今天”的演讲。

she was billed to speak on „china---yesterday and today.‟

bill of exchange n.( of exchange)(business商)a written order to pay a sum of money to a particular person on a particular date 汇票

bill of rights n.[sing] a written statement of the basic rights of the citizens(n.[ˈsitizən] 公民)of a country权利宣言;人权宣言

bill of sale n.( of sale)(business商)an official document showing that been bought转让契据;卖据

landlord smiled and immediately went out.酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。immediately adv.=at once, right away 立刻,马上

a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.一会儿工夫他拿着我的提包回来了,把它还给了我。

give it back to me=return it to me 及物动词give常用的含义是“给予”、“交给”: e.g.请给我一些水。give me some water, please.我上个月曾借给他一些书。他今天上午都还给我了。

i lent him some books last month and he has given them back to me this morning.可以看出,give与back连用时,它的意义并没有发生太大的变化。但是,当它与其他副词连用时,意义往往会有变化,有时变化非常大: sth./give (to sb.)1)to return its owner还;归还;送回:

e.g.把钢笔还给我好吗?could you give me back my pen? / could you give me my pen back? 把它还给我!give it me back!我把它捡起来还给了他。i picked it up and gave it back to him.2)to allow have 使恢复;使重新获得:

e.g.手术使他的双腿恢复了功能。the operation gave him back the use of his sth away

1)to give a gift赠送;捐赠:

e.g.他把他的大部分钱都捐赠给了慈善事业。he gave away most of his money to charity.(charity n.(pl.-ies)1.[c] 慈善机构(或组织)2.[u] 慈善;赈济;施舍 3.[u] 慈善;仁爱;宽容;宽厚)

他把所有的书都赠给了这家图书馆。he gave away all his books to the library.2)to present sth.颁发;分发:


the mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.(mayor [mɛə] n.市长,镇长)3)to carelessly allow have an advantage失去,丧失,错失(优势): e.g.他们已白送对手两分了。they‟ve given away two goals already.(goal n.1.(足球、曲棍球等)球门 2.射门;进球得分 3.目标;目的)give sth./ to make known to keep secret泄露;暴露 e.g.有人向警方告发了他。someone gave him away to the police.她把机密泄露给了敌人。she gave away the secrets to the enemy.[ˈenimi] in(to sb./sth.)

1)to admit that you have been defeated by sb./sth.屈服;认输;投降: e.g.他们被迫投降了。they were forced to give in.2)to agree to do you do not want to do让步;勉强同意:

e.g.你想干什么就干什么。我决不屈服。you can do what you like.i will never give (to sb.)to hand over authority呈上;交上:

e.g.考卷做好后就交上来。give in your examination papers after you‟ve finished.把练习册交给我。give in your exercise books to up to stop trying to do sth.投降;认输;放弃: e.g.他们不战而降。they gave up without a fight.她决不轻易认输。she doesn‟t give up easily.我猜不着了,把答案告诉我吧。i give up---tell me the [no passive] to stop doing or having sth.放弃,抛弃,终止,停止,辞去 e.g.(1)医生让他戒烟。the doctor told him to give up smoking.(2)婚后她就辞去了工作。after she got married she gave up her (to sb.)to hand to 交出,让出


they fought bravely for about a week, but they had to give up their arms to the enemy at last.他把座位让给了一位老妇人。he gave up his seat to an old lady(=stood up to allow her to sit down).give yourself/(to sb.)to offer yourself/ be captured 自首;投案;投降

(capture [ˈkæptʃə] vt.1.俘虏;俘获;捕获 2.用武力夺取;攻取;攻占3.夺得;赢得;争得)e.g.他逃跑一周后向警方投案自首了。after a week on the run he gave himself up to the yourself up to sth.= give yourself over to spend all your time doing thinking about sth.;to allow completely control your life致力于;沉溺于: e.g.当他还是个小男孩的时候,他就决定把一生献给足球事业。

when he was only a small boy, he decided to give himself up to off produce as a smell, heat, light, etc.发出,放出(气味、热、光等): e.g.花儿散发着芳香。the flowers gave off a fragrant perfume.(fragrant [ˈfreɪgrənt] adj.香的;芳香的 perfume [ˈpə:fju:m] n.[c, u] 香水;香料;香味,香气) out

1)to come to an end;to be completely used up用完;耗尽:

e.g.一个月以后他们的食物储备消耗殆尽。after a month their food supplies gave out.她最终忍无可忍了。her patience finally gave out.2)to stop working 停止运行;停止运转: e.g.飞机飞到大西洋中部时一个发动机失灵了。

one of the plane‟s engines gave out in to give a lot of people分发;散发:

e.g.老师分发了试卷。the teacher gave out the exam out sth.1)to produce as heat, light, etc.发出,放出(热、光等)2)[often passive]()to tell people about broadcast sth.公布;宣布;播放 9.'i'm very sorry,' he said.'my dog had taken it into the often does this!'“实在抱歉,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事!” take 带走(把某人/物带到某地)~sth.(with you)/ ~sth.(to sb.)/ ~(sb.) carry or move one place to another 携带;拿走;取走;运走

e.g.请替我把这送到银行去好吗?take this to the bank for me, would you? bring 带来(为某人带去某物)~sb./sth.(with you)/ ~sth.(for sb.)/ ~(sb.) come to a place with sb./sth.带„到某处;带来;取来

e.g.别忘了把书带来。don‟t forget to bring your books with “去拿(某物)来”的动作(去取)是双向动作。()to go to where sb./ and bring them/it back(去)拿来;(去)请来

e.g.她去学校接孩子了。she‟s gone to fetch the kids from school.你能帮我去取我的包吗?could you fetch me my bag?



e.g.我今天上午没见过他。i haven‟t seen him this morning.我打电话的时候,杰克已经走了。when i rang, jack had already left.二、have与to一起构成情态动词 have to,表示“不得不”、“必须”, 它比must更含有“客观条件使得必须如此做”的意思,可用于各种时态。如:

e.g.格林先生为了谋生不得不拼命干活。 has to work very hard to earn a living.昨晚我只得早点离开晚会,我不大舒服。

i had to leave the party early last night.i wasn‟t very well.我们明天必须起得很早。we will have to get up very early tomorrow.我咳嗽的厉害,今天必须去诊所看看。

i shall have to go to the clinic ['klinik] today for my bad cough.[kɔf] [注]口语中的i have got to, you have got to 等=i have to, you have i got to? 和 do i have to?这两种疑问形式均可用。



e.g.你一定是误会了我的意图。you must have mistaken my must have been very young when she got married.她结婚时一定很年轻。

你肯定把你的包落在剧院了。you must have left your bag in the (could)+have+过去分词,常用于否定句和疑问句。表示对过去发生事情的“可能性”。而could较can更加表示说话人的“不肯定的”语气。如:

e.g.他会是走了吗?can he have left already? 她会把我的地址忘记了吗?could she have forgotten my address? 不可能是亨利,他已经去工厂了。it couldn‟t have been has gone to the factory.8 他当然不可能这么早到这里的。surely he can not have arrived so can‟t have been to your home, he doesn't know your +have+过去分词,这时句子指的是过去的事情。如果是肯定句,常说明某件事本应完成而未完成;如果是否定句,表示发生了不应当发生的事情。如: e.g.他应早一点来。he should have come earlier.你见了红灯本应该停车。you should have stopped at the red light.你不应当未经医生许可就回去工作

you should not have gone back to work without the doctor‟s permission.四、have作实意动词。


1)(also have got)vt.(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)to own, hold or possess sth.表示“具有”、“拥有”讲时(相当于own, possess),它和have got通常可以互换。


he owns a house./ he has a house./ he has got a house./ he possesses a house.在英国英语中,疑问句和否定句中have(具有)的用法与be相同,即可以不用助动词do(或did)。

e.g.---你有邮票吗?have you got the stamps?


good heavens, where are they? i had them a minute ago!我没有铅笔。i haven‟t got any pencils.在美国英语中,常用do, did等与have一起构成疑问句和否定句:

e.g.–你有铅笔吗?do you have a pencil?---我没有铅笔。i don‟t have any pencils.这种形式在英国英语中现在也常见了。have作“具有”、“拥有”讲时是状态动词,不能用于进行时态或被动语态,它通常用于一般现在时:


you can have these apples if you want them.i‟ve got a lot more.---那位是格林先生,他就是那位有5条狗的人。

that‟s ‟s the man who has five dogs.---他一定非常喜欢动物,才会养5条狗。he must be very fond of animals to have five dogs.他有一辆福特牌汽车。he has(got)a ford.在其他时态中,一般用have而不用have got: e.g.去年他有过一辆福特牌汽车。he had a ford last year.这辆汽车我已用了3年了。i have had this car for three years.上星期吉米得了重感冒。last week, jimmy had a bad cold.2)(also have got)vt.(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)be made up of由„组成: e.g.这个党在1999年时拥有1万名党员。in 1999 the party had 10,000 members.3)(also have got)(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)to show a quality or feature显示出,带有(性质、特征):

e.g.[vn] 他们勇气十足。they have a lot of courage.[vn-adj.] 他有一颗门牙掉了。he‟s got a front tooth missing.4)(also have got)vt.(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)to suffer from an illness or a disease患病;得病;染病:e.g.我头疼。i‟ve got a headache.5)(also have got)[vn+adv./prep.](not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时)to place or keep a particular position 使放在;使保持(在):

e.g.玛丽背对着我。mary had her back to me.我不一会儿就网住了那条鱼。i soon had the fish in a 作实意动词时,还可以表示eat, drink, enjoy, take等意思,这时它是行为动词,可以用于包括进行时的各种时态;当have用于表示这些含义时,它必须与do和did等连用以构成疑问句和否定句。

1) experience sth.经受;经历;经验:

e.g.我参加了几次聚会,过得很愉快。i went to a few parties and had a good time.他总有一天会出事的。she‟ll have an accident one day.2) organize or hold an event组织;举办: e.g.我们来一次聚会吧。let‟s have a party.3) eat, drink or smoke sth.吃;喝;吸(烟等)e.g.i want to have a cup of tea and some eggs.我想喝杯茶,吃几个鸡蛋。

does she have lunch at home? 她在家吃午饭吗? 我等候的时候抽了一支烟。i had a cigarette while i was waiting.4) perform a particular action进行(活动)

e.g.游泳 to have a swim(bre)洗一下;冲淋浴;洗澡 to have a wash/shower/bath 5) give birth to sb./sth.生;生产:

e.g.她快生孩子了。she‟s going to have a baby.6) produce a particular effect产生(效果)e.g.我当学生时,他的画对我产生过强烈的影响。

his paintings had a strong influence on me as a student 7) be given sth.;to have to you得到;接受;受到

e.g.我正接受背部疾患的治疗。i‟m having treatment for my back problem.你到目前为止上过多少次驾驶课了?how many driving lessons have you had so far? 8)to cause sb./ be in a particular state;to make in a particular way使处于(某状态);使作出(某种反应):

e.g.[vn-adj.] 我要求一切都得准时备妥。i want to have everything ready in good time.[vn-ing] 他抓住了听众的注意力。he had his audience listening attentively.(attentively [əˈtentɪvlɪ] adv.注意地;专心地;留心地;聚精会神地;周到地)9)vt.(not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时)to receive sb.收到;接到

e.g.我今天早晨收到了弟弟的一封信。i had a letter from my brother this morning.请给我账单。can i have the bill, please? on sth.或have ,表示“穿着”、“戴着”(=to be wearing)。e.g.i noticed he had on slippers.我注意到他穿着拖鞋。4.组成复合结构即“have+宾语+宾语补足语”。

1)不加to的动词不定式作宾语补足语(have sth.),表示让、叫某人做某事。

soldier had him stand with his back to his father.这个士兵让他背对着他父亲站着。

〔注〕:否定结构表示“不能让…”或“从未有人…”.e.g.我们不能让你把它归咎于他人。we won‟t have you blame it on had never had anybody speak to her that way before.从未有人用那种方式跟她说过话。2)现在分词作宾语补足语(have sb.(sth.)doing),表示让(使)某人做某事。

had the children playing in the street all day.他们让孩子们一整天都在街上玩。3)过去分词作宾语补足语(have sb.(sth.)done),表示:

(1)vt.(used with a past participle与过去分词连用)~sth done to suffer the effects of what does to you蒙受(他人所为的后果):

e.g.她的包被偷了。she had her bag stolen.(2)vt.(used with a past participle与过去分词连用)~sth done to cause be done for you by 让(他人)为你做(某事):

e.g.你理发了!you‟ve had your hair cut!我们的车正在修理。we‟re having our car repaired.11

标签:2024年 新概念 英语 第二 第三 五篇
